On this page you can find out more about our key policies and publications, including financial information.

Key Policies

Peak Edge Scheme of Delegation478 KB
Whistleblowing Policy349 KB
Peak Edge Code of Conduct431 KB
Peak Edge Health and Safety Handbook707 KB
Peak Edge Health and Safety Policy730 KB
Peak Edge Concerns and Complaints Policy and Procedure280 KB

Annual Reports

Peak Edge Annual Report 20247 MB

Financial Information

Annual Accounts (includes Trustee attendance information)

Peak Edge Annual Accounts 2018-192 MB
Peak Edge Annual Accounts 2019-20419 KB
Peak Edge Annual Accounts 2020-21375 KB
Peak Edge Annual Accounts 2021-222 MB
Peak Edge Annual Accounts 2022-23544 KB
Disclosure of benefits in excess of £100,000 – 2022-23248 KB
Gender Pay Gap Report – 2022-23308 KB

Relevant Funding Agreements

Peak Edge – Master funding agreement16 MB
Bradfield Dungworth Primary School – supplemental funding agreement (2019)11 MB
Loxley Primary School – supplemental funding agreement (2019)11 MB
Nook Lane Junior School – supplemental funding agreement (2019)11 MB
Oughtibridge Primary School – supplemental funding agreement (2019)10 MB
Stannington Infant School – supplemental funding agreement (2019)10 MB
Wharncliffe Side Primary School – supplemental funding agreement (2019)10 MB
Stocksbridge Nursery Infant School – supplementary funding agreement (2022)3 MB

Trustee Register of Business Interests

Trustee declarations of business interests49 KB

Articles of Association

Peak Edge Articles of Association256 KB